Rich Ditch's Photography Blog

January 23, 2009


Filed under: Birds, composition, favorite places, Gilbert Water Ranch, style — richditch @ 4:52 pm
Peach-faced Lovebird - head-on

Peach-faced Lovebird - head-on

For some reason most bird photographers avoid head-on views of birds unless they are working with owls. but I find these views quite interesting and enjoy taking such shots whenever I can. This Peach-faced Lovebird, part of a feral population at the Water Ranch in Gilbert, Arizona, is an example of why I like them. I think such views let us see the subject the way other birds see them. And, the patterns of the plumage on the head and chest can often become very striking when seen from this view.

Peach-faced Lovebird, ISO 320, 1/80th second at f/8, D200, 300/2.8 plus 2x converter, 12/22/08.

Song Sparrow - head-on

Song Sparrow - head-on

Note how the cheeks bulge out on this Song Sparrow – something I’ve never noticed in more typical side views. And see how the crown stripes work together with the markings on the sides of the head.

ISO 320, 1/125th at f/5.6, D200, 300/2,8 plus 2x converter, 1/26/07, Gilbert Water Ranch.

So, don’t avoid taking some shots because of a pre-existing bias. Be open to other ways of seeing the subject.

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